Tuesday 31 May 2011

Shortly about new twitter - trend: Haters&Fans&Pretenders

I created my twitter account about three months ago. When I  searched people to follow, sometimes I wondered, when I saw e. g. Nina Dobrev three times or Brad Pitt... And since then I have started to observe this new trend - pretending to be somoeone famous. But not all of this people claim, that they are someone famous, although they aren't. However, the fact, that people are using the name of someone else is interesting. It can have different reasons.
Firstly, this name is only a modification of the name of someone else (Angelina_Jolie_fan,... etc.). In this case I think it's only a way, how to express the sympathy to somebody or something. In general it's the way, how to say: "I like this singer, actress,..., but I'm not him/her." and it's ok.
Secondly, when are people using a name of somebody else (it's not modified). It could mean, that this person loves this person so much, that he/she would become him/her, when there was this possibility (but it isn't). That can be people, who don't like the way of their lifes. Their job, family, ... Or maybe they miss something. Maybe they have some secret dreams, that didn't come true. And this fact hurts them.
Or it can be only a confusing way, how to express: "I like this singer, actress,..", but people can't recognize, that this person is just a fan...
Thirdly, there's a group of haters, who can only insult and gossip. I think there's such a group for each famous person. And it's natural, but everything has its borders.
It's normal, that hypothetical person A, don't like person B. And this person A tells it to person B. However, I don't think it's normal when person A sends to person B via Internet tons of hateful messages or even establish hate-forum. These people should think of themselves and visit someone, who can help them, because it's not normal. I think they live more via Internet than their real life and it's not healthy.
All in all, I think, that everything has its borders.
Everything I said in this article, is only my opinion. Everybody makes his/her own decisions.....

Saturday 21 May 2011

The end of the world???? Again????:D:D:D

Yesterday I saw an interesting message on Twitter. Today will be the end of the world. I don't know who started this rumour, but however exhausted I was, it made me laugh! It isn't the first time, when someone tried to predict the end of the world... even in 1915 the members of "Watchtower" claimed, it will be the end of the world and oups! Suddenly 1915 was over and the end was nowhere...
Why do people always try to find out, when the world will end? There's written in some gospel, that Jesus said, we shouldn't try to find out, what will happen tommorow - we should live in the present!!!
All in all, I think that world is so complicated, that noone can fully understand it. And isn't more interesting finding out the great things of present life than desperately try to establish, when this world ends?? There are great people in this world and we can experience so many different things - I don't know, what do you think about it, but I live today and I don't care, when the world ends!!! I'll make everything to be completely satisfied with my life in the time of my death or the end of the world..... That's only my opinion...

Morality goes in hell???!!!

Sometimes we think so. However I'm not sure, whether it's always true. Although in TV we can see lots of violence and sex, but these two things always have been there - in some Ages were they hidden in small dark rooms, but they were still there. If we look at the Time of Middle Age, we'll see that it was full of violence. People had thousands sorts of torture - as I could see in the Museum of Medieval Torture in Prague. The worst were the ages of inquisition. These women (and sometimes also men) were tortured in the ways, you couldn't even imagine.
And after I have seen this display, I almost fully realised, how terribly is one person able to hurt another person - in every era of mankind (Inquisition, Nazism, Times of different monarchies,...). It was my little view into the perversity of human beeing. And I didn't like it at all. However, it was a very edifying experience. Now if I compare the Middle Age and these days, I definitely choose these days! This Age brings lots of possibilities how to improve the life, how to help people in need, how to communicate with people and how to share our experiences. It all has its disadvantages - everything can be abused. Is it the reason to think, that everything in this time is spoiled???
I don't believe so.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Small pieces of one day in life of an average Med Student

6:00 My alarm clock rings! Again! Omg - no, I wanna sleep! Leave me alone!! I went to bed only few minutes ago, didn't I? Let someone make this damn thing quiet!!!!

6:20 Ok, I'll get up, I swear!!

6:30 Finally getting up....

7:00 Why the time passes so quickly???!!!

7:30 Noo! I should have left before at least 10 minutes!!! Luckily the bus stop isn't far and the busses leave from there frequently... But I'll be late anyway!!

7:45 Running down from Vyšehrad! How I hate these stairs!!! But I lve the view.....

7:50 The tram arrives. I might be on time to the lesson in the end...

7:55 Those damn stairs in the Purkyně institute!!!

8:00 On time! Exactly! The lesson of Genetics starts. It's kinda interesting but I wanna sleep....

10:15 The lesson ends. But now I have to go up the another horrible stairs.... At least is the view from the top of it beautiful...

10:45 This Anathomy Lecture is great, but my brain feels too sleepy to catch some new information...

12:00 I'm on the way to a students' hall. Local food is kinda tasty.... At least I don't have to cook it myself....

13:00 I Arrived to my dormitory. Plans - Anathomy, Anathomy and maybe Anathomy....

17:00 Dinner....

18:00 Anathomy again...

21:30 I feel soooo sleepy, exhausted - I'll have a bath and go to bed, I guess....

22:00 Deep in the world of dreams...

I love this life!!! :):) Honestly!:) I hope, I'll be M.D. one day.....

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Fighting against the wiles of Medicine study

Today I won one big battle with Anathomy. My opponent was the whole brain with all its structures and connections. It was a grim struggle - the greatest opponent seemed to be limbic system and its connections. Yes, today I won, but tommorow I'm gonna write about two more tests from Anathomy - peripheral nervous system and a steam brain. I hope, it will be easier.
However, the greatest battle of this whole war is still in front of me - exam. It has three parts - test with pictures of different anathomical structures, practical part in the dissecting room and verbal examination. It will be the week from 6th of June. I'll need so much luck!! But I still fight and I never give up.....:):)

Sunday 8 May 2011

Stop talking about Osama's death over and over again!!

Yes, Osama is dead. Everyone knows it. So it isn't necessary to talk about it over and over again. Nevertheless, one of the typically human features, desire ater some nine - days wonder, makes media to refer about it from various different points of view constantly.
Firstly, it starts being boring for some people (If I pass over in silence, that we're talking about death of the most wanted terrorist of the world.)
Secondly, I think, it's not smart. I'll explain it. According to the book I've read about the terrorism problem, every terrorist group has one goal - they want to kindle fear. And their success is that high, how many people are scared. And thanks to the media and human desire after nine - days wonders, it is gigantic. And if they are angry, I'm sure they are, is talking about the death of their leader over and over again highly stupid - it makes them much more angry than they are. I think, that one of the possible ways how to fight with terrorism is not to publicize it that much. However, I don't want to claim, that media shouldn't notify about that. Yes, they should. But I think, that information like "The troop didn't have any running meter to measure the body" isn't really necessary. And when we do it, we make them much more angry.
Finally, I think that total victory in the war with terrorism is impossible. Groups like Al - Quaeda rise in the regions of unstability - economic, political, religious, .... etc. So it will be problem until then, there won't be such unstable lands. So by that time there will be paradise in the world and all people will love each other. And every group has also three basic needs - money, human sources and media.
All in all, everytime there will be some unstable countries or regions and someone wealthy and powerful enough to pay it, there will be always groups like that. I have no idea how to solve this situation and I think that no one does, but we should at least try it. We all can start with toleration. Small pieces make complex....
And if we really want to win this war, we should change something, but not using guns...

Thursday 5 May 2011

Death of Osama - big victory or beginning of new violence????

About his death speaks everyone. Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al - Qaeda, is a person, who is responsible for thousands dead people. After announcing of his death by president of United States Barrack Obama started millions celebrations all over the world. Somewhere people celebrated more, in some countries less. Some people couldn't believe it and still can't. And they keep asking questions.
Is Osama really dead?
Is his death really such a victory? Al Quaeda announced the revenge....
Who was during the attack killed with Osama? Different sources tell different...
Why Barrack Obama doesn't want to show photos of dead Osama to the world?
Why was his body burried so quickly??

.. And many other questions. But the fact is, if is Osama really dead, Al - Quaeda could be destabilized. - If group like that looses its leader and its founder, it will be serious injury for "esprit de corps". However it depends on status Osama within Al - Quaeda really had. If he was kind of a God for his adherents, it will be probably serious loss. Nevertheless he was like any other of his "soldiers", his loss wouldn't be serious - he would be replaced by someone else. I think the first possibility is more likely - according to the strong hierarchism of these groups. Their leader is like God for them. How serious loss for Al - Quaeda it really is, will be shown during the time.
And in addition to that, I don't think it's over. I think, that is big chance, that their attacks will come soon - now they feel hurt and angry. So everyone should be careful in these days. This group of extremists is really huge and has tons of sources - money, guns and also people, I suppose.
I don't want to be pesimistic or I'm not writing there any specific dates, because I don't know them. This is only my opinion based on that, what I know about terrorist groups. And else what I think is, that it's not really smart to irritate these groups - that's probably the reason, why president of USA, Barrack Obama, refused to show photos of dead Osama...
All in all - everyone should make his/her own opinion....

Monday 2 May 2011

Jan Paul II. - personality and heritage

On Sunday on 1st of May was in Vatican beautified Jan Paul II. He managed amazing things and was really inspirating personality for millions people. It was really charismatic person. He was there for everyone - he met lots of people during his pontificate (1978 - 2005). Over 6 million people had audience with him. And he organized so many meetings for youth. I think he loved that meetings. Even when he suffered so much of Parkinson's disease - you could always see him laughing there... He was always open - hearded. He always tried to reunite all christians and always tried to lead dialogues with people of other religion... In general - he wanted worldwide peace. He wanted to make world a better place. And that's it... That's what Christianity or relationships between people (what do you prefer) should be about... And if it really is or isn't, should everyone think of....